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Help I can't choose! What skincare to pick when you feel you need it all!

Informed Skincare Purchasing

Choosing Skincare

Last summer, when I launched my new products, I also created the skin care Collections; Balancing, Nourishing and Calming. The main reason was to help you decide which products to choose. However quite often we may feel we need two, or even all three collections to cover the myriad of skin issues we want to solve.

Choosing Skincare ProductsSome of the most common ones are:

“I have acne and scarring that I want to address”

“I have acne, scarring and I want something for anti-aging”

“My skin is really sensitive, but I also get hormonal acne”


It’s a good idea to think of the issues you want to solve as a list to work through. What is the most important to you right now? And also, are any of the issues linked?

For example, acne and scarring. If the acne is causing scarring on the face it would make sense to clear the acne first, and then work on the scarring. Also, in this example I imagine the acne is more distressing right now than the scarring, so again the best place to start.

Or, super sensitive skin and hormonal acne. When skin is super sensitive it indicates to me that the surface of the skin is not healthy. If the surface of the skin is not healthy then maybe that is causing the hormonal breakouts? So, let’s work on getting the skin healthier, and less sensitive and then see if that reduces the breakouts. If not, you can work on that next.

Make sense?

The general order I would tackle issues is this:

1. Always reduce super sensitivity first with products from the Calming Collection.
This will likely help calm other issues as well. Also, if your skin is very reactive it may not tolerate other products.

2. Next clear acne with products from the Balancing Collection.
This will prevent more long-term scarring and other damage to the surface of the skin.

3. Finally work on longer term goals such as scarring, pigmentation and fine lines with products from the Nourishing Collection.

These issues will take time to solve so be patient. But now your skin is free of acne and skin reactions, and is glowing with health, they may just seem a little less important 😉

Have a specific combination of issues you are struggling with? Feel free to email me!

Helena Lane

Helena Lane Organic Skincare featured in Flare Magazine Canada
Organic Skincare Line Canada featured by CBC Life

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