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Inside Out - What Your Skin Says About Your Gut Health

What your Skin says about your gut health

You may have met Juanita Miller a few years ago standing behind a demo table in Whole Foods, helping to spread the word about Helena Lane Skincare. She was part of our team alongside studying. She is now a practicing Holistic Nutritionist and Skin Care Consultant offering an exciting selection of services primarily geared towards healthy radiant skin.


The Story your Skin is Telling – What your Skin says about Gut Health

Juanita Miller, CNP

Do you ever wonder how to get rid of your skin issues and rashes? Skin problems can be such a pain because they’re so visible to everyone.

But, did you know, skin is simply a reflection of what’s going on inside your intestines! If you suffer from skin issues – like acne, dry skin, premature aging, rashes, eczema, or psoriasis – then it’s time to take a look at your intestinal health.

The skin in one of your body’s four elimination routes for toxins. When the gut is compromised, it shows up on the skin. If your skin is unhealthy, its likely that your intestines are not looking fantastic either. Try these tips for healthy, glowing skin.

Struggling with Acne?

Acne is most often caused by bacteria. Throughout the day you’re exposed to toxins and germs – such as air pollution from exhaust, dirt on your cell phone screen that you hold next to your face, or sweat.

I’m sure you’ve heard of “gut flora” or “probiotics” – these are the “good bacteria” and the “bad bacteria” in your gut. But did you know that your skin has flora as well?! Yuppers, there’s also good and bad bacteria on your skin. Acne is caused when the bad bacteria takes over.

The solution: have a healthy flora both inside and out. Eat fermented foods (like sauerkraut) or kimchi. Take a good probiotic. Avoid antibiotics (unless really needed). And avoid conventional antibacterial hand sanitizers and antibacterial hand soaps (healthy tip: use natural ones instead from brands like Young Living or Green Beaver). Support your gut’s flora for a healthy skin flora.

Do away with dry and aging skin

I previously struggled with dry skin year round, but now, I’ve found the solution! The problem was dehydration, caused by either too little water or too little essential fatty acids. If you’re skin is lacking these essentials, you can bet that your gut is lacking them as well!!

It’s easy to add them into your diet. Solution: Hydrate your skin cells by drink more water to avoid dehydration lines and dry skin. How do you know if your getting enough water? Check the colour of your urine – if it’s yellow you need to drink more H2O.

The second factor to consider is if you’re getting enough essential fatty acids (EFA’s for short). Fat is good (healthy fat that is). Fat does not make you fat. Fat makes your skin glow instead of flake! Fill your plate with more fish, seeds (esp. flax), nuts, olive oil, and other healthy oils. I recommend 1 gram of EPA/DHA (fish oil or omega blend) daily for healthy individuals. If you’ve got severally dry skin or an inflammatory condition, it might be necessary to take up to 4 grams of EPA/DHA daily.

Banish rashes

Rashes and redness are caused by inflammation. So why is your skin inflamed? Well, it could be because you’re reacting to environmental toxin (like laundry soap), but it’s just as likely that you’re reacting to something you’re eating! I struggled with skin rashes my entire life (eczema, psoriasis, and more) until the day I eliminated dairy and gluten.

If you’re sensitive to these foods, they’ll cause inflammation in your gut. Once your intestines become clogged, the body tries to eliminate the offending foods through the skin, causing your skin to react in a rash.

Solution: Give up dairy and gluten for a 30-day trial to see how your skin looks… it might surprise you! Replace dairy with almond milk, coconut milk, or hemp milk. Replace glutinous snacks with gluten free options or opt for a different snack all together. Try fruit and nuts, or veggie sticks and bean dip. Cook rice or black beans pasta instead of the standard white pasta.

One more thing to consider

Unrelated to your gut, but just as important, how are you taking care of your skin? I recommend a quality oil cleanser and moisturizer. My favourite cleanser is the Lavender Lime Oil Cleanser.


The good news is your cells only take 28-35 days to renew. Healthy skin is only one month away! Follow the simple tips suggested in this article to heal your intestines and soon your skin will glow.


Juanita Miller, CNP.

*Original post can be found on the Joyfully Nourished Blog, a wonderful source of information & inspiration on nutrition and beauty.

Now head on over to our instagram page for your chance to win a free cleanser from the Balancing Collection!

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